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Kim Amen

Seeking: WEA Vice President

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Serving as your WEA Vice President these past three years has been an honor.  During this term, one of my priorities was to recruit, engage, and empower members.  It is our members who make us strong, and it is our members who have the power to shape our public schools.  I am proud to report that we have increased membership for the first time in 10 years.  

My second priority has been ensuring every student has access to a safe, just, and equitable education.  Leading our Safe and Just Schools Cadre has been one of the great joys of this position.  The cadre has developed and provided training across Wyoming and the nation, and we will host our first statewide conference in April 2023.  

We have had many successes in the last three years, and by re-electing me, I will continue to build our membership, advocate for ALL students, and work for you, our members.  I humbly ask you to vote and re-elect me for the position of WEA Vice President. 

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